Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Only so much can come on the train. Fifty pound suitcases and another bag plus a personal item can accompany its owner, a standard across many transports. The blue-shelled Jetta and everything else will need a resting ground and one aware from snow. My Valentine offered spots in a hometown suburban garage and hometown suburban basement, which were invalid until a unique payment completed. Four 1741 original shutters for the hometown suburban house needed scraping, sanding, and priming in order to complete installment before the winter. Fine Tom Sawyer, I’ll whitewash your shutters, but don’t even think about trying to convince me that two days of this will be fun.

Thank you Rhode Island School of Design (RISD); years painting, woodworking and mongering in industrial design shops prepared me for the task. Times in product development even put to the test while sitting under bright lights and over speckled tiles zipping and unzipping hard-backed suitcases, zuurrrrp zur zurrrrrppppp, while confused fitting room attendants looked over with curiosity. Yeah that one will work. To check out, but I’ll keep the receipt just in case problems break on the preceding 10 day road trip.

Leaves fell, breezes swept in, chill settled, but none in the room attached to the garage where my shutters, work bench, and 1970’s radio waited. Actually, working for two days standing with a physical result unexpectedly pleased me, bring back the feeling and appetite of those RISD days. Eric Clapton, Steve Tyler and Fleetwood Mac pitched in with sing and song over that outmoded player. And I sang! Picked up ends of rhyming lines, repeated choruses and mumbled over the rest as I bopped around the table with sharp objects, paint flying. No literally, chippings launched with the slide of a blade, usually onto the floor, selectively in my eye, but never into a neat little pile to make clean up an easier occasion. Spiders from 1741 scurried from their ruin living spots and my fear made me try to stab, for all you arachnid lovers unsuccessfully, at the little bubble butt eight-legged. All this for shutters? All this to house a little innocent car and a little innocent tower of all my possessions? It could be worse, but Tom Sawyer, I know no free lunches with my storage, but what about on theses laboring days? Whatever I can find in the fridge? Peanut butter and j-j-j-jelly will do.

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